Singletrack Trails is an Equal Opportunity Employer and is dedicated to the principles of equal opportunity in any term, condition, or privilege of employment. We do not discriminate against applicants or employees on the basis of age, race, sex, color, religion, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, or any other status protected by federal, state, or local law. We currently employ permanent crews led and staffed by women. Currently 10% of our staff are veterans of the United States Military, including both senior level personnel and trail builders.
We acknowledge the outdoor recreation industry, of which we are a part, has much work to do to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and we are committed to do more. For us, improving DEI in the outdoor recreation industry is an important IDEA we will implement. We are committed to Inclusion, to Diversity, to Equity, and to Adaptability.
Inclusion: Equal Opportunity- Everyone
Diversity: Representation of all peoples and abilities- Variety
Equity: Freedom from bias or favoritism
Adaptability: Designed or intended to assist adapted equipment OR techniques
The IDEA is to improve on existing practices, concepts and lack of diversity and apply it to as many trails and projects for which we are involved. Our goal is to make everyone consider and think about all these IDEAs when proposing, designing and creating anything within the outdoor rec world.
We are committed to further diversify our office and field staff, especially in terms of race and ethnicity, creating an inclusive environment for all to grow and thrive.
We are committed and invested in the development of adaptive trails and facilities, we have a personal connection within our company and have seen firsthand the difficulties and struggles of significant injuries and/or adaptations, but also the amazing potential. And thanks to the improvements in technology and concepts, ourselves and the outdoor rec industry as a whole can finally focus more on a previously overlooked user group.
We are committed to improving access to the outdoors and outdoor recreation opportunities for all, including lower income individuals and residents in urban areas. Moving forward we intend to explore creative ways to increase access to trails and outdoor recreation. We will support community-based efforts to build or renovate infrastructure such as urban trails and bike parks, and support and train diverse volunteer trail crews on our projects whenever possible.